Mod 1 B

Students are required to submit at least 2 thought-provoking questions about this week’s readings. This week readings includes: 12th, “A Raisin in the Sun.”

Below you will find a “Leave a Reply” section please reply by submitting your two questions based upon your reading, “A Raisin in the Sun.”

  • Your questions should be “Thought Provoking.”
  • Please note that EVERY Sunday there are (2) thought provoking questions due.
  • Use standard conventions of English in your questions.

397 thoughts on “Mod 1 B

  1. 1. If college athletes were paid will that still cover their tuition and housing ?

    2. If college athletes were paid how would you determined the pay of each player?

  2. 1.why if college athletes have there own jerseys with there names on them they wouldn’t get some of that money ?
    2.Should college athletes start a protest to start getting paid while playing sports?

  3. 1.According to my article by Forbes college athletes are already getting paid up to 125,000 in scholarships. If this privilege is even higher than the average salary of the working person what more could they possibly need?
    2. If the best college athletes are already getting publicity from pro teams on a signing deal why do the also desire a college paycheck?

  4. 1. Who makes money off the near-professional level athletes?
    2. If merchandise is based off of a college athlete, why can’t they earn some of the money from the products sold?

  5. 1. According to my article college athletes are receiving 125,000 dollars a year. So what else can be expected to be paid to them?
    2. There are over 90 players on a Division 1 football team and 15 players on a Division one basketball team, so how do you determine a just salary for them all because they all don’t contribute to the team’a success of exposure equally?

  6. 1. Would students truly become employees of a university should they be paid to play?

    2. Why would paying a student-athlete cause problems?

  7. If college athletes do recieve compensation, who will be liable to decide which player makes what amount?

    college athletes already recieve college education, scholarships, student assistance funds, and medical care what would a paycheck support anyway?

  8. 1.)why can’t college atheletes get paid even though they get scholarships?
    2.) If the coaches can get paid why can’t college atheletes collect some of the money the ncaa get from selling thier Jerseys?

  9. why is it such a big deal for colleges to pay athletes, who without them, the college wont be as popular

    where exactly does all the millions of dollars made from college sports go if the coaches deny big salaries and there is no improvement to the program or campus

  10. 1. If college athletes would protest, would that really make a difference?
    2. Why does it take so long to make a decision if college athletes should be getting paid or not?

  11. 1. Do you think paying college athletes would be a mistake?

    2. College athletes work as hard as pro athletes do if not even harder why do you think it’s such a crime?

  12. 1.If you were in charger of the NCAA would you pay your athletes? Why or why not?
    2.The commentator get over a billion dollars come NCAA finals and MARCH MADNESS games.Also fans pay well over 1.8 milion dollars on jersey and things in such of that nature. Sad to say athletes doesn’t get a cut from that at all. How would you feel if you work hard and build money into somebody else pockets and do not see a dime of it?

  13. 1. Why shouldnt college athletes get paid for their hard work ? Being able to balance time and energy for school and to play a sport
    2. Why should college athletes have free labor and professional athletes get paid like its their career?

  14. 1. College athletes are students first so if they get paid, shouldn’t all non athletic students get paid as well?
    2. College athletics seem more like a stepping stone or “practice” for the real world, if that is the case then should college athletes really get paid for “practice?”

  15. 1. College athletics put all their time into th sport just like the NBA so y shouldnt get paid?
    2. If college athetics didnt get paid would u think they would find another way to get money?

  16. 1. Other than scholarships, how else are college athletes being rewarded for their success?
    2. Could college staff decide if they should pay college athletes or not? Or who’s the one that gives the final decision regarding all colleges?

  17. 1.Question for the head of college sports. ” if you were in college and you were the highest scoring player in college would you want to be payed or be the person that other people makes money off”?
    2.Do the college sports think about the fact that that college athletes had to work very hard toward getting a scholarship and that the scholarship might not be enough to cover their hard work ?

  18. 1. Should college athletes receive money for jerseys the colleges sell with their name on it?
    2. Do colleges have to pay all college athletes or only the college athletes that produce the Most money?

  19. 1. Do u think college athletes should have a pay scale? Meaning the best players get higher pay.
    2. Next year a lot of us are hoping to pursue our college careers, knowing that it will b expensive and a lot of times we will b broke, if u knew u was responsible for making some organization millions of dollars would u wana get paid to?

  20. 1. Who loses money if colleges start paying players?
    2. If college athletes get paid, would the stars get paid or will all college athletes get paid?

  21. 1. In college you never know when a new star will emerge. Proof of this statement is the last two Heisman winners have been freshmen that wasn’t on first team all American in the preseason. With that being said, when would you chose how much a player is paid for a season? Game by game? Or preseason?
    2. Does all college athletes get paid? Or just the players who play the main sports football and basketball? Or Division 1, 2, or 3?

  22. 1. If colleges pay athletes should they pay all athletes or just the sports that bring in the most revenue?
    2. Is it fair to pay college athletes even though they aren’t professionals?

  23. If college athletes are not getting paid, what are scholarships?
    why should college athletes get paid, if there in college to learn?

  24. 1. How does Henry extend the meaning of a previously used metaphor when he says, ” Our chains are forged! Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston!

    2. According to Henry, what makes Americans ” invincible”? Why does Henry say that God is on the side of the colonists?

  25. 1. If college athletes were to get paid how would they determine how much to pay the athletes? Also how could the athletes earn more money?
    2. Even though college athletes are given scholarships do you think it is fair for them to have some pocket money? Why or Why not?

  26. 1. If college athletes are paid, does your division or school popularity play a role in the amount of income or salary the player receives?

    2. if players are paid would they receive bonuses for spectacular playing results? if so would this cause tension between the team and its staff?

  27. 1.If college athletes are paid wouldnt that defeat the purpose of going to college for an education?
    2. How would the amount of money college athletes earn be decided?

  28. why don’t people realize that most college athletes aren’t going to college to for higher education but are just going to use as a stepping stone to a professional sport career?

    does no one else find it unfair that the students whole scholarship to the school is based off whether the coach decides to keep them on the team or not?

  29. 1.Do all of the players get paid, regardless of playing time, or just those athletes that quantifiably earn the institution money?
    2.Will sports agents be allowed to negotiate deals?

  30. (1) How much do you think a college athlete should get paid if there getting paid

    (2) Should only star players get paid or should the whole team get paid in college

  31. If college athletes get paid, wouldn’t every college pay differently due to size?

    Would every college athlete get paid about the same, no matter how big or small the team, female or male?

  32. 1. Would it be fair for student-athletes to be given contracts to play?

    2. What would be a reasonable price offered student-athletes?

  33. 1. How was Mandela able to hold his country together straight out of prison?
    2. Why do people still resist the modest reforms that would change chronic poverty and growing inequality, but embrace Madiba’s legacy of racial reconciliation?

  34. 1. What was the relationship between Mandela and Obama?
    2.How did Mandela feel when he was sentenced to go to prison?

  35. (1) Why did Obama give the speech on Nelson Mandela?

    (2) How did Neslon Mandela stay strong During his 27 years in prison?

  36. 1. What direct impact or influence did Mandela have on Obama’s political ideas?
    2. Could Obama use some of the moral beliefs that Mandela used to change America?

  37. 1. How did Mandela influence Obama’s political campaign and efforts to change America?

    2. How did Mandela impact not only South Africa but countries all across the globe?

  38. 1. Dose Barack revise the same steps that mandela took to change the way of life now .
    2. How did mandela come about and or how did he become such an icon for black history and why ?

  39. “And while I will always fall short of Madiba’s example, he makes me want to be a better man. He speaks to what’s best inside us.”
    1.)Do you think president Obama looks to the strategies and tactics of Mandela when he makes critical decisions here in America?

    2.) Was it appropriate to compare Nelson Mandela’s life struggles to other past world leaders such as Ghandi, Lincoln, and Martin Luther King?

  40. 1. How did Nelson Mandela affect countries across the world as well as in South Africa?
    2. Does Barack Obama use some of Nelson Mandela’s methods now as the president in the United States?

  41. 1. Spending all them years in prison do you think Nelson Mandela got stronger and wiser?
    2. Do you think that speech inspires people made people think about what is going on now?

  42. 1. In what ways are Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King Jr. similar?
    2. What does the speaker mean when he says “It maters not how strait the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.”?

  43. 1. Do you think Nelson Mandelas death had a major impact on Obama? Can This Affect furture decisions?

    2. “And while I will always fall short of Madiba’s example, he makes me want to be a better man. He speaks to what’s best inside us.” Could Nelson Mandela Been a big hero for obama?

  44. 1. Do you think Mandela being in prison made him wiser?
    2. Obama said “For around the world today, we still see children suffering from hunger, and disease; run-down schools, and few prospects for the future.” So when is there going to be change?

  45. 1. Was Mandela given the proper funeral to account for his whole life?
    2. throughout history many historical figures have been forgotten as time goes on will Mandela also be given that fate?

  46. 1. Do you think in a way obama wants to be just like mandela?
    2. If obama was in jail for the same amount of time as mandela do you think he would come out like mandela, his old self, or a whole new obama?

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