Mod 4 B

Students are required to submit at least 2 thought-provoking questions about this week’s reading. This week reading includes: 9th, “Nelson Mandela Memorial: Barack Obama’s Speech.”

Below you will find a “Leave a Reply” section please reply by submitting your two questions based upon your reading, “Nelson Mandela Memorial: Barack Obama’s Speech.”

  • Your questions shall be “Thought Provoking.”
  • Please note that EVERY Sunday there are (2) thought provoking questions due.
  • Use standard conventions of English in your questions.

121 thoughts on “Mod 4 B

  1. 1. Did Amy Tan keep the Generation going after her mother died?
    2.How did Amy feel about playing the Piano after her mom died?

  2. 1)Did Amy want to play any other instruments other than the piano?
    2)Did anyone in Amy’s family play an instrument?

  3. Did Amy’s mother have a bad childhood?

    Do you think there was more behind her mother wanting any to play the piano?

  4. 1) Why did Richard decided to write a article and to be publish in newspaper?

    2) How come Richard classmates didn’t believe he wrote the article instead of copying out of a book?

  5. 1.) Why did Jerry practice holding his breath?

    2.) Did the boys treat Jerry different because of his nationality?

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